SG Clean4U

Aquatabs Food-safe


Aquatabs Food-Safe is an effervescent tablet used for washing fresh fruit and vegetables making them safe for consumption, by killing microorganisms such as Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli.

      Packaging: 60 tablets per box
      Packaging: 60 tablets per box

      Product information

      How to use Aquatabs Food-Safe

      Where fresh produce is consumed within 2 hours of washing.

      a.  Remove as much dirt and debris from the fruit and vegetables as possible (brush or wash).

      b. Add 1 tablet to 20 liters of water. Where possible ensure that the temperature of the rinse water is about 10° C higher than that of the fresh produce.

      c. Add the fresh produce to the treated water and rinse with agitation for a minimum of 30 seconds but up to 5 minutes if possible. Ensure that the trapped air in some vegetables     e.g. broccoli is removed.

      d. Fruit and vegetables should be eaten as soon as possible after rinsing.

      e. If storage is required, remove
      the product and shake off excess water, spin dry if possible. Place in a sealed polythene bag or airtight container and refrigerate at 4 - 8°C for as short a period as possible up to 24 hours.

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